Ronald Rolheiser makes sense of what is frequently a misunderstood word: spirituality.
In posing the question "What is spirituality?" Father Rolheiser gets quickly to the heart of common difficulties with spirituality and shows through compelling anecdotes and personal example how to channel that restlessness, that deep desire, into a healthy spirituality.
Rolheiser explains the nonnegotiables - the importance of community worship, the imperatives surrounding social action, the centrality of the Incarnation, the sustenance of spiritual life - and how spirituality necessarily impacts every aspect of human experience.
At the core of this deeply readable, deeply revealing book is an explanation of God and the Church in a world that more often than not doubts the credibility of both.
Spirituality is about what we do with our spirits, our souls.
We all have a spirituality, whether we want one or not, whether we are religious or not.
-Ronald Rolheiser
I am currently reading this book.
Spirituality is quite a deep topic.
Reading this book in fact, needs extra concentration to digest and to understand of its content fully.
So please be patient with me, hahaha....
But so far, I like what I read, as it is full of knowledge and enrich me spiritually :)
He wrote this book on 1st June, 1998.