Friday, January 13, 2012

5 Languages of Appreciation at Work

Do you know about 5 Love Languages?
Well, this book is actually talking about our love language, in workplace setting.

There are basically 5 languages of appreciation: 1) Quality Time; 2) Words of Affirmation; 3) Act of Service; 4) Tangible Gifts; and 5) Physical Touch.

In a workplace setting, Quality Time means that the person likes to have a sharing session. People who spend their time just to listen to him/her.

While Words of Affirmation means that the person wants to be appreciated in words. People who spend time to talk to him/her, to give the feedback and compliment.

Act of Service means that the person wants other to help him/her do the job.

Tangible gifts means the person like to get an award, a little appreciation gift, such as coupon, ticket, etc.

Last but not least, physical touch could mean a little high five, pats on the back, firm shake hand....

The author gave such a good example about this language of appreciation:
If you are thirsty, and someone offers you a place to sit, it's nice and thoughtful, but it doesn't satisfy your needs.

The research shows most of the people resign from their job because they do not feel appreciated.

Care to find what's yours? :)

For those who wants to find out more, please visit the website here :)


  1. Van Ni, thanks for your comment and review of our book. People may want to visit our website,, to take our "How Dysfunctional is Your Workplace?" quiz or get a free resource like, "The Top 10 Easiest Ways to Show Appreciation to Almost Anyone." Thanks! Dr. Paul White

  2. Hi Dr Paul,
    Thank you very much for your comment. I have added your website :) have a nice day!
    Regards, Vanni
