Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Princess and The Frog

Have you watched this movie? :) The Princess and The Frog. I've been waiting for this movie for quite a long time, since 10th Dec 2009. Well, I have never really read the story about The Frog Prince before and I assume this story will be quite similar with The Frog Prince which is the frog need to be kissed by a girl to turn into a prince.

I did not expect the prince's character to be different from any other Prince Charming from other Disney stories. A prince should be charming, gentle, hard worker, etc. But the prince charming in this story acts like a playboy! He can not do anything because he used to be taken care by everyone at his palace. Then his parents cut him out. He needs to marry a princess to become rich again.

After so and so, this prince become a frog. To turn him back as human, he needs to kiss a princess. Then he meets Tia, an ordinary girl who wants to have her own restaurant and very hard working to fulfill her dream. Tia was dressing like a princess, and Prince Naveen thought she's a princess.

He asks her to kiss him, to turn him into human again. Unfortunately, when they kissed, it's not Naveen becomes human, but Tia becomes a FROG! Hahahahaha.... What a funny story. Then they have a journey together as frogs to find a way to help them. Along the journey, Prince Naveen is falling in love with Tia :)

I like this movie! :)


Buat yang uda familier sama nih film... harusnya kenal dg karakter Sam & Dean :)

Aku mulai nonton serial film ini kira-kira tahun lalu. Dulu waktu awal-awal serial ini ada di TV, aku ga berminat sama sekali buat nonton. Aku mikir "Film apa lagi sih? Banyak amat..." karena waktu itu di Star World banyak banget film seri. Mulai dari Desperate Housewives, Ugly Betty, Life, Tru Calling, Ghost Whisperer, Grey's Anatomy, Bones, Heroes, The OC, Friends, etc. Jadi males ngikutin satu-satu.

Aku biasanya milih, mana judul yang oke, alur cerita yang oke, dan mudah dimengerti buat ditonton. Soalnya film seri selalu ber-season season dan ga jelas tamatnya kapan. Saking banyaknya malah sering alurnya mulai ga jelas. Tokoh yang protagonis jadi antagonis, yang antagonis jadi protagonis.

Salah satu yang pernah aku ikutin adalah Desperate Housewives dan Heroes. Season satu sih keren.... pas dah mulai season dua dst... kok mulai jelek ceritanya.... akhirnya aku memutuskan ga mau nonton lagi.

Menurut Gilbert, Supernatural ini film cowo.... Jelas karena pemeran utamanya 2 cowo, kakak beradik dan menunjukkan bagaimana karakter cowo dalam menghadapi masalah. Jelas berbeda ketika dibandingkan dengan menonton serial "Charmed", yang tokoh utamanya 3 cewe kakak beradik dan ceritanya penuh dengan "chick flick moment" atau tangis peluk curhat, dll.

Film Supernatural ini sendiri sudah sampai season 5, yang dengan rajin aku nonton terusss... hahaha.... Awal-awal nonton... kayak nonton film hantu, karena banyak banget segala jenis "makhluk" yang dikira mistis tapi nyata, tentunya yang dipercaya orang Amrik sana. Jadi jangan harap ada yang berbentuk tuyul, kuntilanak, jin, hehehe....

Semakin ditonton... sepertinya menjurus pada Angel dan Demon, dimana film ini mau menunjukkan bahwa Demon dan Angel itu nyata, berbaur dengan kita sehari-hari, dan bisa mengambil alih tubuh kita. Memasuki season 4... aku mulai mikir, yang bikin cerita ini film punya agama nggak sih? Kok serasa Tuhan itu jauuuuhhh banget dari umatNya, dan terkesan tidak peduli sama umatNya, sehingga menyerahkan semua urusan manusia dan demon pada archangel-archangelNya.

Sampai suatu point aku mikir, kayaknya yang bikin Atheis deh... atau Agnostik? Entahlah.... Tapi kan itu film yaaaa.... jadi jangan terlalu dipercaya bahwa keadaan yang sebenarnya seperti itu (tentang Tuhan, Angel, dan Demon). Tapi yang bikin film memang berwawasan cukup luas, mengenai seluk beluk segala demon, jenis-jenisnya. Beberapa nama Angel dan Demon yang dijadikan karakter memang cukup familiar.

Overall, ini film yang menarik buat ditonton, walau kadang-kadang memang terkesan tidak masuk akal, tapiiii... bukankah semua film selalu begitu? Hehehehe....
Selamat menonton buat yang berminat :)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

WGM - Hwang Bo and Hyun Joong - Lettuce Couple

Well... I saw this show about 1,5 years ago and still have the same feeling.
I like this couple very very much.
The way they laugh, share each moment together, and care of each other.
Thanks to Agnes who made me watch this show and addicted to it.

I would like to post a little bit of their last messages at their last episode at the show.
They went to Jeju Island as the last memorable trip.
Both wrote each other a message on the sea and took picture of it before it swept by the tide.

(HB) Buin said “I hope that your love is…always Happy. GoodBye.”
and when HJ finish reading it, she said, “It’s a song, search for this.”

Turns out and it’s an instrumental by a pianist called By Jun.
Lyrics :
Although you and I had parted
It must be just that our destinies didn't meet
I hope you'll meet someone nice
Since you are a really good person, no matter who you're with
Since you were too good for me
I hope a love that's worthy of you will find you
I hope you'll always be happy
Do you know?
You are beautiful when you smile
I may occasionally cry because I miss you
But I hope you'll always smile
I hope you'll always be happy

While HyunJoong said “Thanks for making good memories of me. Don't forget me. For not treating you well. Sorry. ”

At night, HwangBo asked HyunJoong to bring her a star.
With the star stuck at his clothes, HyunJoong record the message for HwangBo.
He said "Hi HwangBuin, I'm a star. If you always look at me and make a wish... Your wish will always come true. So, HwangBuin.. don't be sad that I'm not around... Always look in the stars in the sky and pray... The I'll come to you in your sleep, and give this star to HwangBuin."

So sweet of him to do something like that even though he doesn't like cheesy things like that.
I don't know why, this moment always comes to my mind whenever I am sad.

I miss them :)
Good job Lettuce Couple! All the best!!

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