Sunday, March 11, 2012

John Carter

Temen: "Van, nonton film John Carter yuk."
Film apaaa lagi itu... iklannya sih dimana-mana, tapi kok aku ga tertarik buat nonton -.-

setelah nonton trailer...

Aku: "Yaa.. boleh... ayuk." Sapa tahu menarik.

Setelah nonton filmnya...
Wuihhh... keren!! Hahahaa....

This movie is based on the novel "A Princess of Mars".

It pictured a life of a young man back in 1882. This young man, 15 years before (1868) has traveled to Mars and lived there. This movie tells the story of his life when he was in Mars.

It was entertaining to imagine, what if we could live in Mars :)
The language, the people, and the condition of the planet are different.

The title of the novel has spoken, it has something to do with a princess of Mars.
Yes, he fell in love with the princess of Mars :) Disney ohhh... Disney.

To cut the long story short, he needed to go back to Mars because he was sent back to Earth.

My take away from this movie is that, we need to belong to something. It could be a place, or people, or someone dear in our heart. That's where our home is. We need to fight for our own happiness, and bring happiness to others as much as we could.

It's important to be a people-centered person because we live in a society. We need others, and vice versa.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Called and Chosen

"There is only one vocation, it's vocation to Love."
(Father Anthony Kenny Tan)
For many are called but few are chosen.
(Matthew 22:14)

This book reveals 17 vocation stories of our beloved Priests.
My friend passed me this book 2 years ago, which at that time, I did not have time to read it.

"The priestly vocation is a gift from God."
(Pope John Paul II)

After reading their stories... I am able to understand more about vocation.
Each of the priest is special, and they were called in special way, because God knows them best.

There is also ups and downs, struggles, failures and even decision to leave the priesthood in the early stage. But as they grow in faith and faith is what keeps them going... they are still here, as priests, to serve the people.

The Calling.

You may wonder, "How does it feel to be called?"
"How do you know you are called?"

Well, I'd like to suggest you to go and see a priest, or religious Sister (if you are a woman) to seek for Spiritual Guidance if you are discerning about these questions because it's not easy to be convinced that you are called.

Most of the time, one who is called would felt something and felt the need to share the strange (yet peaceful) feeling with someone who one thinks might understood and able to give some guidance. Therefore, seek help from a religious Sister or Brother or Priest might be helpful since they have been through it before.

I like the sharing from Father Joachim Chang,
"Marriage is also a vocation, but how many of us would spend eight days in the retreat centre to discern and ensure that we are called to be married and ensure the person we are planning to marry is the right one?
But when it comes to the priesthood, we must make 10 retreats, check with everyone and must make sure we do not make a mistake. There is a double standard here."

"Even if God were calling a person to the priesthood and if that person decided to get married instead, God would still bless his marriage. However, he may not be as happy as he would have been if he had accepted the calling to become a priest."

May God bless our Priests, religious Brothers and Sisters :)

*Picture is borrowed from here
You can also visit Serra Club's website here.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Hugo Cabret is an orphan. He lives in the walls of a train station.

His dad used to own a watched shop and he taught him how to fix watch. After his dad passed away, his uncle took him to stay with him in a train station and his only job is to make sure that the clock is working.

Before he died, his father left an automaton (a mechanical man who is supposed to write with a pen). He was trying to fix it and to find out what the automaton could do. Hugo tried so hard to find the missing pieces of the automaton because he was convinced that the automaton contains a message from his father. Also, he thought by fixing the automaton he won't feel so lonely anymore.

His journey involved some people whom he met daily. One person led to another, and from little pieces of puzzle slowly Hugo understands about his father's dream, people's dreams, and the history of the movie theater.
I guess for myself, again I learn about letting go of the past, accepting what life has given me, and treasure the people who care about me.
Hugo said,
"I imagine that the world is one big machine. Machines don’t have any extra parts. They have just as many parts as they need. By seeing the world as a machine, I can see myself as having a place in it. I must have a purpose, if the world is like a machine!"

So I guess, there is no such thing as a coincidence.
Everything, and everyone, has its own purpose. Things happen for a reason :)

Another great movie :)