Friday, March 2, 2012


Hugo Cabret is an orphan. He lives in the walls of a train station.

His dad used to own a watched shop and he taught him how to fix watch. After his dad passed away, his uncle took him to stay with him in a train station and his only job is to make sure that the clock is working.

Before he died, his father left an automaton (a mechanical man who is supposed to write with a pen). He was trying to fix it and to find out what the automaton could do. Hugo tried so hard to find the missing pieces of the automaton because he was convinced that the automaton contains a message from his father. Also, he thought by fixing the automaton he won't feel so lonely anymore.

His journey involved some people whom he met daily. One person led to another, and from little pieces of puzzle slowly Hugo understands about his father's dream, people's dreams, and the history of the movie theater.
I guess for myself, again I learn about letting go of the past, accepting what life has given me, and treasure the people who care about me.
Hugo said,
"I imagine that the world is one big machine. Machines don’t have any extra parts. They have just as many parts as they need. By seeing the world as a machine, I can see myself as having a place in it. I must have a purpose, if the world is like a machine!"

So I guess, there is no such thing as a coincidence.
Everything, and everyone, has its own purpose. Things happen for a reason :)

Another great movie :)

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